All in One Light (3 x 360 ml)
All in One Light (3 x 360 ml)

All in One Light (3 x 360 ml)

Shipping method Shipping cost
Royal Mail £4 (free over £50)
International - Post or UPS Details at checkout
Unit size
Between 120 and 360 ml
Solution type
Multifunctional (soft lens)
For what lens type
Soft lens
Hours to leave lenses in solution
Shipment includes
2 db lencsetartó tok
Article No.

All in One Light 2x360ml by CooperVision is a multi-purpose solution for sensitive eyes and is designed for use with all soft contact lenses including silicone hydrogel. It removes the typical build-up of proteins, lipids, and calcium and contains a lubricating agent which enhances comfort.

Features of All in One Light (2x360 ml):

  • Cleaning
  • Disinfecting
  • Storing
  • Rinsing
  • Moistening

Thanks to its excellent antibacterial effect, it is proven to be effective against Acanthamoeba.

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