Famous sunglasses from the movies
Movies and series often catapult certain things to popularity.
Famous Movie Sunglasses - Who Wore Them and in Which Movie?
We've seen many examples of how movies and series can catapult certain things to popularity. For example, Jennifer Aniston's flawless hair in Friends, the little white canvas shoes from Dirty Dancing, or Tom Cruise's cool sunglasses in Top Gun. And there are plenty of sunglasses models that we immediately associate with a movie or a character, right from the first glance. Let's take a look at some of these in this article!
Ray-Ban Shooter
The Ray-Ban Shooter sunglasses with its unique design became truly famous thanks to the 1998 movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, where it was worn by none other than the versatile Johnny Depp. Since then, the Shooter model has remained available, loved by many for its uniqueness (and of course, its connection to the movie). You can choose it with either gold or black frames.
Ray-Ban Shooter sunglasses in the eOpticians collection
Ray-Ban Wayfarer
Even if you haven't seen the movie, you've probably seen the meme made from it! Leonardo DiCaprio wore one of Ray-Ban's eternal classics, the Wayfarer model, in the movie The Wolf of Wall Street. It's characterized by its simple, clean lines with two small metal strips on the sides, making this cool sunglasses easily recognizable!
Ray-Ban Wayfarer in the eOpticians collection
Ray-Ban Predator
At the end of the 90s, everyone wanted to know what cool sunglasses the two cool special agents, played by Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith, wore in the movie Men in Black. Well, the answer is the Ray-Ban Predator, which perfectly matched the role: dark enough and stylish enough to complement the actors' mostly suited action outfits.
Ray-Ban Predator in the eOpticians collection
Ray-Ban Aviator
Of course, we can't forget Tom Cruise and his famous aviator sunglasses, which are none other than the Ray-Ban Aviator.
In 1936, at the request of a commission, the Bausch & Lomb optical company developed this type of sunglasses for American military pilots. The special, drop-shaped design then fulfilled expectations so well that it began to spread rapidly regardless of the original brand, and there are no signs that it will go out of fashion anytime soon!